Another interesting project. Perhaps you can combine it all into a memoir, or since you have a workable draft about your father, start there. As far as a writing group, they are worth joining for the support and guidance. I once belonged to the ones offered by NaNoWriMo that I used during the month I was working on a draft manuscript for NaNoWriMo https://nanowrimo.org/

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Thank you! I love the idea of joining a NaNoWriMo group. I've looked at those before but didn't join. Perhaps this year I could make it my goal to join and work on this project during November along with NaNoWriMo...and see where that leads me. It's a good plan - I'm excited about it.

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This is an interesting project, too. As with the book about your mother, you have a lot of interesting stories to tell!

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My parents are such influential figures in my creative life. I hope I can tell their stories in a way that honors them with an authentic voice.

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