The Poet's Daughter: 🌿 Chapter 5: "The Death Coat"
Confronting The Big Things With A Metaphor
Hello! I’m Emily Lupita. I’m a travel writer & artist from rural Iowa currently living between my hometown south of Des Moines - and Ankara, the capital of Turkiye. I’m also an English teacher & editor.
The Poet’s Daughter is a nonfiction project (in progress) on - Emily Lupita Explores - acreativity journal where I share explorations from my art desk & cultural travels, as well as motherhood with my two Autistic sons. You can read more about my father and his bardic poetry + creative work on - American Bardic Poet.
Emily Lupita
The Poet’s Daughter
Work In Progress 2024
Chapter 5: The Death Coat
In “The Death Coat,” Emily Lupita uses the metaphor of a death coat to grapple with two distinct personalities: the restrained, rule-following Emily and the wild, impulsive Lupita. Emily, the caretaker, has suppressed Lupita for years, fearing her destructive tendencies. However, Lupita, fueled by trauma and anger, yearns for freedom and seeks justice for past wrongs.
The narrative delves into their shared history, marked by traumatic childhood incidents that have shaped their lives. Emily, the survivor, finds solace in faith and gratitude, while Lupita struggles with bitterness and a desire for revenge. The story explores the complexities of their relationship, the impact of trauma, and the ongoing battle within themselves to find healing and wholeness.
Chapter 5: Excerpt
They should have found a way to protect us from the evils done. Meant and un-meant, evils were done and cannot be undone. Lupita forgives no one. Lupita carries a black marker to draw where she will cut out the hearts of the people who have harmed those she loves. She’s not kidding.
“It’s not a metaphor!” Lupita insists.
Emily made the decision twenty years ago to get out of our hometown and never look back because she just couldn’t allow Lupita loose there. She has to let Lupita up for air now and then, but not at home. No. Too much power there. Too many memories and energies and chants waiting for Lupita there. Only on top of mountains, in the fog and cold. Only thrashing in the ocean, drowning in the waves. Only in the jungle inside pyramids with a torch, sweating and panicked with spiders throwing giant shadows on the walls. Only in these places of wonder and delight, of sheer unbridled fear, of awe in its most fundamental form - only in these places could Emily allow Lupita to emerge and show her face.
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I absolutely love this. Rather than tell the story and character traits as is often done, as "either/or" you brilliantly share them with "and."