Reaching Out: Day 5 💙 “Autism Brothers Books”
A One Week Project Where I Reach Out To You - My Readers
🎨 Welcome
About my “Reaching Out” Project:
I’ve taken a week-long break from social media (Instagram & Facebook). I’d like to write here every day this week instead - and share 7 ideas (1 per day) for what I’m considering / sketching out / mapping for my next creative project.
The very act of sharing our art and creative ideas is so full of hope and vulnerability and courage…I could use an extra dose of those things right now.
I’d love to know your ideas - about my ideas - for future creative projects. Read more about the project:
Thank you for being here to read / respond - whatever feels best to you. From one creative spirit to another - I’m sending love to you. Keep going. 🌿
Good journey,
Idea #5: Autism Brothers Books
An Inclusive Book Series Featuring My Two Autistic Sons
Oh, my heart. I gave each of the boys a copy of their special Cappadocia book.
Archie hugged his book and I asked him, “Do you like it?”
He answered, “I love it, Mama.” 💗
Charlie hugged his copy and danced around. I can feel that he loves his book as well.
Look how beautiful they are with their book. My sweet boys. 💙
The most labor-intensive drawing project to date. It took me 2 years to finish the Cappadocia paintings, but I learned so much so next time should be faster.
A creative dream coming true.
Need some sort of funding / way to sell more books to keep it all going
Which place to paint / write about next? My ideas (places I’ve been.)
Keep it smaller - to regions (Cappadocia) or cities (Granada) ? Or switch to countries (Ecuador)? Does this matter?
Ideas for how to expand / involve more of the community in this project?
I’d love to hear your ideas. Please share your thoughts with me in the comments.
🦋 New Cappadocia Book
The first Autism Brothers Book - Cappadocia - is now available on Amazon. Purchase here.
👩🏻💻 Social Media
I’m off social media again. The encouragement of my online community here on Substack has been so heartfelt for me. Thank you.
Please help me reach out by sharing this newsletter with someone you think may be interested.